Currently, I am a research associate in The School of Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW. I also got a PhD in Computer Scince from Department of Algorithms and Complexity in Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics. Here, is my CV

I am mainly Interested in design and analysis of algorithms for network related problems and social choice theory including information diffudion and strategyproof social mechanism.


A complete list of publications can be found at my DBLP.

Selected Papers


I was a lecturer (2017-2019) at School of Computer Engineering in University of Isfahan, where I taught the following courses:

  • Algorithms and Data Structures (Winter’17)
  • Theory of Languages and Automata (Winter’17, Fall’17, Winter’18, Fall’18)
  • Principals of Compiler Design (Fall’17, Fall’18, Winter’18)
  • Foundations of Programming with C++ (Fall’18)
  • Algorithm Design (graduate level) (Fall’18)